Sunday, 2 September 2012

Soap Opera Poster.

I haven't been able to go out and look for Soap Opera Posters but I have found a few online
This shows all the females within Hollyoaks.
The bright orange and yellows colours used in front of the black background makes the characters stand out which allows  people to identify who they are.
The font that Hollyoaks use on Channel 4 when they advertise in the trailers/adverts is the same that they have used in this poster that was placed in Camden. The channel 4 logo has also been placed in the poster. Soaps do this as it allows people who do not watch Hollyoaks to be able to tune in as they were intrigued by the poster. The poster was placed in Camden where a lot of young people visit the Camden Market. As Hollyoaks's target audience is students, this is the perfect place for their poster to be shown as students will pass this poster and will tune into the episode. "A week that will change Hollyoaks forever." This is obviously hinting that something dramatic will happen in Hollyoaks, the end of a major storyline.

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