Friday 25 January 2013

Soap Opera Storyboard

This is the storyboard I created based on our soap opera .

Soap opera Timings

Soap Opera trailers are used to advertise following specific episodes as well as informing the audience at the  same time. They  are specially slotted at a specific times so it is aired to the target audience that they aim for. If placed successfully at the right time, it will increase the broadcasters ratings as well as the Soap opera's.

Here are a selection of Soap opera trailer timings.

Sunday 19:45pm - Emmerdale trailer.
  • Before the watershed - does not contain any censored footage.
  • In the evening - when people are relaxing watching TV
  • On a Sunday - shown after Omnibus, targets the targeted audiences they aim for
Thursday 15: 13pm - Neighbours trailer
  • Shown mid afternoon - shown after the earlier episode of Neighbours at 13:45pm, aiming at the target audience.
  • Aiming at Pensioners who stay at home - Emmerdale has a cast including the Elderly.
  • Avoiding being shown to children - children are in school at this time of day .
Saturday 20:00pm - Eastenders trailer
  • Shown after Doctor who - ITV aiming at the same audience of Doctor Who.
  • Doctor Who is a popular show - viewers who may not have watched Eastenders may be intrigues by the trailer.
  • Aiming at all demographic groups- before the watershed.
Sunday  - In between break of X factor results - Coronation Street trailer
  • X factor is a popular Talent show - targets all demographic groups as children and adults are watching X factor.
  • Before watershed

Soap Opera Magazine Idea

As part of our planning and research we had to create a magazine plan for our soap. We has to follow the key features of what is on the front cover of a soap opera magazine.

Past Soap Opera Trailers

This is a trailer composed by Media Studies students in my school in the past.
In this trailer they haven't followed the conventions such as no dialogue in trailers. I don't think the use of dialogue is effective in a soap trailer as viewers might think that the trailer is just highlights of the soap opera trailer. I think this is the only convention they didn't use in their trailer.

Conventions Of A Soap Opera

  • Naturalistic settings
  • On going serial format broadcast frequently
  • multiple characters - strong female characters
  • Storylines are fragmented and segmented
  • Plot lines address topical issues
  • Domestic Settings
  • male Characters tend to be more stereotypical
  • Events take place in a form of real time 
  • Emphasis on dialogue  Expressing emotional issues and intimate conversations

Soaps are multi stranded with several plots going on at the same time. By having multi stranded plots, it attract a larger audience as viewers may be interested in a certain storyline. Storylines in soaps that are very dramatic and are 'life threatening' are normally dragged out for weeks even months. The outcome of this storyline is normally shown in an hour long episode or is shown at Christmas where the storyline reaches it's climax. Examples of these type of storylines are pregnancies, terminally ill (e.g. cancer), car crash or the ending of a long lasting relationship.
Main characters are based on the people that you would normally found around in any ordinary large city or town. The best characters within a soap would have the humour, jobs, living conditions, habits, and manners as a common place. These characters aren't normally based on stereotypes , but are made to satnd out and be individuals. In soaps they also have realistic meeting places such as pubs, parks and cafes.